‘White Knight’

‘Coloured tips on silver’. Pale purple flowers; VIII-IX; foliage downy, grey with coloured tips in spring, otherwise very similar to ‘Silver Knight‘. 35cm tall, 50cm spread.

Sport on ‘Silver Knight‘; introduced by Daystar (Litchfield, Maine, USA) in 1983.

Name alludes to the flower colour, and parent cultivar.

‘St Patrick’

Foliage dirty green in a site facing East, where it gets morning sun only but in a position facing South, it is a bright terracotta in Spring and terracotta red in winter. The colour most noticeable in April and May.

Wild-collected sport; found on Collin Mountain near Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, on St Patrick’s Day 1928 by Mr and Mrs J. W. Porter (Dundonald, County Down, Northern Ireland) as a sport on basal growth of a partly burnt plant.

Named after the patron saint of Ireland.

‘Dresden’ (=Erica verticillata)

Bushy, medium-sized, erect shrub growing to an average height of 1.6m, but old specimens may reach up to 1.8m tall; 1-1.5m broad. The flowers are medium to dark pink (darker pink than ‘Tresco’ lighter than ‘Adonis’), tubular, 15mm long, 3mm diameter; umbellately arranged (3, mainly 4 flowered), on very short (3mm) lateral branches arising from the main stem, arranged in dense, whorled, pseudo-racemes below the ends of flowering branches. (Normally 3, occasionally 4 verticels per synflorescence)

The external morphology of the Dresden form is marginally different from the other Erica verticillata forms. The flowers are smaller and more congested, verticels fewer; non-flowering lateral branches are less ordered, normally arranged in single whorls or dispersed up the main stems and only a few are arranged in whorls of three (3-5) on the upper third of the stems.

Origins: This specimen comes from a small market garden nursery, Heidegartnerei Grunberg in Dresden, specializing in Erica. It is recorded at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens with the accession number, 14/2012 and cultivar ‘Dresden’. Herr Hemut Heidl bought it at a market in Berlin many years ago when Dresden was in East Germany. Cuttings were donated by Helmut Heidl GbR Wasserschwenden 3.87452 Altusried / Krugzell.Fax 0049 (0) 8374 – 23435  Web:www.hiedl-gbr.de. Landowner: N/A: Mail: [email protected]. Landowner org: Heidegartnerei Grunberg. Landowner ph: 49 (03523) 71130 ® E.2018:01 registered on 10 April 2018 by Anthony Hitchcock Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens Nursery, Living Collections and Threatened Species Manager


‘Mary Rose’

♤ Bud-flowering; big buds grade 6, buds dark blue pink RHS 71D to 72D; VIII-X; foliage light green; habit upright, bushy; height 25–30cm; spread 30–40cm.

Sport on Mary Lu, found by Armin Klose.

Girls name.

EU plant breeders rights to Kurt Kramer, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany given on 21.06.2021.


♤ Bud-flowerer, mauve (H2); VIII-XI; foliage dark green; habit erect; height 25cm, spread 40cm.

Wild-collected; found on Ginkelse Heide near Arnhem, Netherlands, by Dr Ir T. Visser (Wageningen, Netherlands); introduced by W. Haalboom & Zonen (Driebergen, Netherlands) by 1972.

Named after Dr Visser’s daughter.


Little is known about this cultivar. However, from the image, Pink flowers; foliage dark green; habit very upright.

Presumably a seedling; obtained from Manning’s Heather Farm (Sebastopol, California, USA), by Clark and Edith Davis, California, USA, in 1990.

“The lady we dealt with was Mrs Manning’s neice and was very knowledgeable about heathers & told us she had developed ‘Kenneth’ and had named it.”

‘Disco Queen’

Red flowers; IX-XII; foliage green; habit upright; height 35cms, spread 45cms.

Sport on ‘Dark Star‘ . submitted for plant breeders’ rights in Germany by J. Brandt (Prisdorf, Germany) on 4 August 1999.


No description other than attached image.

Wild-collected; found near Borås, southwestern Sweden, by Mats Johansson about 1982; introduced by Arthur Persson (Tostarp, Sweden) as early as 1984.

Named after the Swedish town, situated east of Göteborg, near which the plant was found [see also ‘Bosnäs’].