
♤ Bud-flowering (Knospenblüher), “salmon” (“a new colour in Calluna”); IX-XII; foliage green; habit upright, to 50cm tall × 50cm across after 4 years (pruned).

Deliberately raised seedling, raised in September 2011, selected in September 2012.

® C.2016:04. Registered on 29th December 2016 by Johannes van Leuven (Geldern, Germany).

Recorded and bred by Johannes van Leuven, Ilmenweg 39, 47608 Geldern, Germany. 22.12.2016. CPVO 1.2017 15/02/2017

Johannes van Leuven, EU PBR given on 10.09.2018. CPVO 6.2018 15/12/2018


♤ Bud-flowering (Knospenblüher), red; X-XII; foliage very dark black-green; green when young; habit upright, to 50cm tall × 50cm across after 4 years (pruned).
“Blüht ab: KW 41. Die schwarzlaubige Sorte ‘Mina’ erhält durch die erst spät erscheinenden roten Knospen ein ganz spezielles Erscheinungsbild.”

Deliberately raised seedling, raised in October 2010, selected in October 2011.

Named by Johannes van Leuven after his grandmother: “she loved flowers”.

® C.2016:03. Registered on 29th December 2016 by Johannes van Leuven (Geldern, Germany).

Recorded and bred by Johannes van Leuven, Ilmenweg 39, 47608 Geldern, Germany. 20.06.2014. CPVO 4.2014 15/08/2014

Johannes van Leuven, EU PBR given on 25.07.2016. CPVO 5.2016 15/10/2016

‘Amy Doncaster’

Flowers rose-pink, reputed to be slightly darker than ‘Riverslea‘.

Seedling; found by Mrs Amy Doncaster in her garden at Chandlers Ford (Southampton, Hampshire, England); introduced by McPenny’s (Bransgore, Christchurch, Dorset) in 1978 as E. carnea, and also labelled in their nursery E. arborea.

Named after the finder, Amy (née Baring), the second wife of Edwin Doncaster, who had a fine garden at Chandlers’ Ford, Hampshire (The garden 107: 5-10 (1982); Yearbook of The Heather Society 3 (8): 44-45 (1990)). Yearbook of The Heather Society 2 (9): 65-66 (1980); __ 3 (2): 67 (1984).

‘Polar Express’

Flowers single, in groups of four at tips of shoots, flowering shoots very densely crowded towards ends of branches; corolla c. 9mm long, white, slightly curved, widening towards mouth; calyx segments unequal, with broad translucent margins and pale green mid-rib, lobes c. 3mm long, c. 1.5mm broad; anthers brown; style to 9mm long prominently emerging from corolla, style end green when fresh; nectar profuse; IV-VI; foliage deep green; linear leaves to 6mm long; habit compact bushy shrub to 0.9m tall, to 1m across in 3 years (not pruned).

Seedling 05-2-20 raised by K. Kramer in 2005, F2 seedling of self-pollinated ‘Mr Robert‘. Selected  and named by David Edge in 2016 after cultivation in Forest Edge Nurseries. Hardier than other clones of E. australis having survived a frost test as a seedling in Germany. Distinguished from ‘Mr Robert’ and ‘Holehird White’ by green style end.

® E.2016:07: registered on 21 December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.

‘Pink Harmony’ [Adopted name for ‘Pink Magic’]

Flowers: corolla heliotrope (H12, RHS 73B), to 6mm long, 3mm across, calyx shell pink (H16), 3mm long; anthers black, style end cerise (H6); XII-V; foliage: mid-green, with bright green young growth; habit broad, bushy: after 3 year in 40cm tall; spread 40cm (pruned).

Flowers bigger than ‘Winter Treasure’.

Deliberately raised seedling (pollen parent 94-5-39, seed parent 94-5-35) produced by Kurt Kramer, in 2007; selected in 2011.

® E.2016:06 Registered on 18th February 2016 by Kurt Kramer, Edewecht, Germany.

At time of registration as ‘Pink Magic‘ (E.2013.03) stated to be a tetrapod.


Flowers variously malformed, in unevenly spaced, loose spike; axillary clusters of 1–3 relatively large flowers widely spaced; corolla white c. 6mm long, apex splitting unevenly (often not into 4 lobes); calyx lobes 4 (rarely 5), white, petal-like, to 5mm long, c. 1–1.5mm wide, exceeding the corolla especially before anthesis; stamens 8 (rarely 9–11), often malformed and contorted; anthers tan; style may be malformed and contorted, or straight; ovary green: I-V; foliage mid-green throughout the year, leaves relatively broad, c. 10mm × c. 2mm, whorls widely spaced; habit bushy, low-growing heather; to 20cm tall, to 35 cm across (not pruned) in 3 years.

Seedling found at Forest Edge Nursery by David Edge, in 2014.

® E.2016:05 Registered on 5th December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.


Flowers single, small, crowded on shoot tips in dense spike; corolla c. 5mm long, rose pink (H7); calyx paler, lobes to 2.5mm long; anthers dark; I-IV; foliage “lemon yellow” throughout the year (RHSCC 145A Yellow-green group: plant from shadehouse in December); leaves to 10mm long; habit compact shrub to 15cm tall, 25 cm across in 3 years (not pruned).

Sport on ‘Saskia’ found by David Edge in 2015 at Forest Edge Nurseries.

Named by David Edge after his daughter-in-law, mother of Saskia.

® E.2016:04 Registered on 7th of December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.


Flowers salmon (H15) without any trace of blue, single, larger than normal; II-IV; foliage dark green; habit broad, erect shrub to 30cm tall, 35cm across after 3 years.

Seedling raised and selected by Kurt Kramer in 2010.

® E.2016:01 Registered on 18th February 2016 by Kurt Kramer, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany.

Applied for and bred by Kurt Kramer, Edammer Straße 26, D-26188, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany. 22.01.2016. CPVO 2.2016 15/04/2016

Kurt Kramer, EU PBR given on 11.09.2017. CPVO 6.2017 15/12/2017

‘Sun Seeker’

Flowers single, purple (H10) relatively few; V-IX; foliage pale “golden-yellow” (RHS CC 144A-B, Yellow-green Group: plant from shade-house in December), brightest in summer; leaves crowded on shoots; more or less glabrous with a few very small, gland-tipped hairs above, oval to obovate, to 8 × 6mm, acute, felted and silvery underneath; larger thanGolden Imp; habit bushy, upright shrub, to 30cm tall, 35 cm across after 3 years (not pruned).

Garden seedling found by David Edge in 2014 at Forest Edge Nurseries.

Named by David Edge.

® D.2016:02 Registered on 7th December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.

‘Pinky Perky’

Flowers facing upwards, cerise (H6), on upright sweeping branches; VI-IX; foliage mid-green throughout year; habit: upright, sweeping shrub, to 35cm tall, to 35cm across in 3 years (not pruned).

Flower colour unique in D. cantabrica f. blumii.

Garden seedling found by David Edge in 2013 at Forest Edge Nurseries.

Named by David Edge.

® D.2016:01 Registered on 7th December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.