‘Flaming Silver’

Flowers lavender; VIII-IX; foliage grey foliage with yellow and flame coloured young shoots; habit upright. A sport found on ‘Silver Knight‘, at Twin Acre Nursery, near Knutsford, Cheshire.

‘Con’s Gold’

Flowers magenta; foliage green with gold tips in spring and early summer; habit erect. A sport on ‘Con Underwood‘ found by John L. Jones, Glywern Nursery, Cilcennin, Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales, in 1993.


Flowers purple; V-VII; foliage dark green, habit open. A seedling found by H. Ballyantyne of Netherfield nurseries, Dumfries.

‘May Gold’

Flowers deep pink; foliage deep gold in spring and early summer; habit erect with curling stems. A seedling found on his nursery by John L. Jones, Glywern Nursery, Cilcennin, Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales, in 1993.

‘Red Shift’

Flowers ruby; foliage dark green with bronze tips; habit open.Faster growing than ‘Nathalie‘. A seedling found on his nursery by John Proudfoot,Almondell Nursery, Methven, Perthshire, in 1990.


Flowers pale rose; VII-IX; foliage small light green leaves. Found by H.H. Ballantyne of Netherfeld, near Dumfries in a friends garden before 1991.

‘Golden Sunrise’

Flowers mauve; VIII-IX; foliage deeper gold than ‘Sunrise‘; habit compact. A sport from ‘Sunrise‘ found on his nursery by John L. Jones, Glywern Nursery, Cilcennin. Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales by 1992.


Extreme dwarf, dark green foliage; looks like a ball of moss.

Sport (witch’s broom) on ‘Martha Hermann‘, in Sweden by a friend of Brita Johansson in 1990.

Named after the finder’s husband.

‘Pink Lantern’

Flowers pink; foliage bright green; habit low growing, broad. Chance seedling found c 1990 by John Proudfoot of Almondell Nursery, Methven, Perthsire, Scotland, c. 1990.

‘Rachel Patricia’

Flowers few, mauve; foliage light green, with pink tips in spring lasting well into the summer; habit low, compact.
Seedling, raised by Stan Crabtree, Eversley Nursery, Hesketh Bank, near Preston, Lancashire; named after his grand-daughter.