‘Seattle Lilac’

Flowers lilac; habit compact. Steve Hootman, Curator, Rliododendron Species Botanical Garden, Seattle, got the seed in 1992 from the North American Rock Garden Society seed exchange program. It was sent to the exchange by Jolyon Lea of Amersham, Buckinghamshire, as Daboecia azorica.

Registered 11 November 1998: A.P Dome, 4832 54″^ Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98119-1517, USA.

‘Pink Lips’

Flowers pink turning white, the lobes at the tip of the corolla turn pink as the white flower matures. After a while, maybe four or five weeks, the pink colour starts to fade away. In new flowers, the pink in the corolla is very light and does not last long after the corolla opens; V-VIII; foliage bright green; height 60cm; spread 35cm.

Circulating in the Seattle area (USA) for a number of years; acquired by Art Dome (Seattle, USA) at a horticultural group meeting;

Registered 11 November 1998: A.P Dome, 4832 54* Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98119-1517, USA.

Name alludes to the colour of the lobes of the corolla.


Flowers large, 0.7 cm long, amethyst above (HI), paler underneath, with prominent ruby (H5) recurved lobes, about 10 in each large cluster; VII-VIII; foliage grey-green. Leaves to 0.5cm long, to 0.2 cm broad at base, obovate, tapering gradually towards tip, with numerous long, glandular cilia, and woolly short hairs on upper side, margins not fully recurved so that lower surface is visible (sinus about 0.1cm wide), lower surface white; young shoots appearing white, covered with woolly short hairs and long cilia; older shoots tinged pink, later pale brown; habit bushy, upright plant; height will probably reach over 0.5m tall if not trimmed.
Collected by D. McClintock, E. C. Nelson and D. J. Small at Brandonas de Arriba, northwest of Santiago de Compostela, La Coruna, Spain, in July 1982. Registered 7 November 1998: E. C. Nelson, Tippitiwitchet Cottage, Hall Road, Outwell, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE14 8PE, England.

‘Achill Gold’

Flowers small, lilac pink above (Hll), fading almost to white underneath; VII-VIII; foliage sometime plain green, some leaves pale yellow, others yellow underneath or yellow at tips, yellow colouring appears on sides of shoots but not in any regular manner but looking as if the shoots are “sun burnt”. Leaves small, largest to 0.4cm long, less than 0.1cm across, with tightly recurved margins so that lower surface is not visible, with woolly hairs on upper side, without marginal cilia or with a few only towards tip. Hairs not glandular. Stems with short woolly hairs; habit low-growing, somewhat sprawling; height 10cm.
Collected by Aidan Brady on Achill Island, Ireland, in August 1969, and since then cultivated at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin. Registered 7 November 1998: E. C. Nelson, Tippitiwitchet Cottage, Hall Road, Outwell, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE14 8PE, England.

‘Celtic Snow’

Flowers white, in one-sided racemes to 3.5cm long, pedicels light green; VII-X; new foliage light green throughout the year, mature foliage mid-green throughout the year; habit prostrate spreading; height 7cm; spread 45cm; stems light green, hoary ageing to brown, glabrous.

Wild-collected; found by David McLaughlin (Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland) on The Sky Road, Clifden, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland, in August 1991; named and introduced by David McLaughlin. Registered 14 September 1998: D. McLaughlin, 51 Glenpark Road, Omagh, County Tyrone BT79 7SS, Northern Ireland.

The names of David McLaughlin’s Daboecia selections all start with the word Celtic; snow refers to the flower colour.

‘Anita Lillie’

Flowers in racemes to 5cm long, magenta (H14), pedicels red; VI-VIII; new foliage pink in Spring turning yellow then red, mature foliage light green in Summer, mid-green at other seasons; habit compact spreading; height 15cm; spread 30cm; stems red ageing to brown, glabrous. Sport on Erica cinereaPurple Beauty‘ found in 1995 at Summerhill Nursery, Frensham, Surrey, England, by Mrs Anita Lillie Austin. Registered 24 August 1998: Mrs A. L. Austin, 68 Birch Road, Headley Down, Bordon, Hampshire GU35 8BW, England.

‘Sun Cushion’

Flowers rose-pink (H7); VII-XI; foliage golden in Summer deepening to orange in winter; habit compact spreading; height 20cm; spread 70cm. Sport on Erica cinereaPink Ice‘ found in 1992 at Carn Nurseries by Pat Glass, originally given the illegitimate name Erica cinerea ‘Golden Wonder’. Registered 20 January 1998: P. Glass, Carn Nurseries, 58 Tirkane Road, Maghera, Co. Derry BT46 SAG, Northern Ireland.


Foliage lime-green with copper tips in Spring. A selection made by J. Hachmann (Barmstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) by 2000.

‘Winter Rubin’

Flowers deep clear pink: II-IV: foliage dark green: height 10-15cm: spread 26-30cm. Compact plant similar to Erica carneaLohse’s Rubin‘ but has less blue in flower colour. Selected from seedlings of ‘Myretoun Ruby‘ by Kurt Kramer (Edewecht, Germany).  This is a legitimate replacement name for ‘Kramer’s Rubin‘ requested by the introducer.

‘Helen Nicol’

Flowers single, calyx yellow, corolla white: VI-VIII: foliage bright green: habit spreading: height 20cm: spread 40cm. Found as a seedling, by Mr Nicol in July 1984 at MarkHill, Glenapp, Ballantrae, Ayrshire, Scotland, and named after his wife. Registered 1 November 1995: Robert D. W. Nicol, Stranraer, Wigtownshire DG9 OBG.