
♤ Large bright pink buds; IX-XII; foliage dark green; habit upright, good durability. It forms strong shoots with a dense bud stand.

Recorded and bred by Horst Marohn, Am Ebenkamp 8, 26689 Apen, Germany. 08.01.2022. CPVO 2.2022 15/04/2022

Horst Marohn, EU PBR given on 03.07.2023. CPVO 5.2023 15/10/2023



♤ Deep red buds; IX-XI; foliage dark green; habit upright, bushy; height 25-30cm; spread 30-40cms.

Long shelf life and colour strenght.

Recorded and bred by Johannes van Leuven, Ilmenweg 39, 47608 Geldern, Germany. 06.11.2020. CPVO 1.2021 15/02/2021

Johannes van Leuven, EU PBR given on 05.09.2022. CPVO 6.2022 15/12/2022


♤ White buds; VII-IX; foliage light green; growth strongly upright.

Sport of ‘Bettina‘ and is therefore similarly vigorous with large white buds and slightly silvery tips.

Bred by Johannes van Leuven, Ilmenweg 39, 47608 Geldern, Germany


Flowers pure white; foliage light green; habit erect but spreading; height 15-20 cm; spread 25-30 cm after two years.

Seedling from crosses, selected by Kurt Kramer.


Flowers cerise (H6): II-IV; foliage dark green; habit compact; height 15cm; spread 25cm,two years old plants

Seedling from crosses 2011, selected by Kurt Kramer

Recorded and bred by Kurt Kramer, Edammer Straße 26, D-26188, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany. 17.01.2018. CPVO 2.2018 15/04/2018

Kurt Kramer, EU PBR given on 07.10.2019. CPVO 6.2019 15/12/2019


Flowers pink (H8): X-II; foliage dark green; habit erect but spreading; height 15-20 cm; spread 25-30 cm; two years old plants 

Seedling from crosses, selected by Kurt Kramer,

Recorded and bred by Kurt Kramer, Edammer Straße 26, D-26188, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany. 17.01.2018. CPVO 2.2018 15/04/2018

Kurt Kramer, EU PBR given on 07.10.2019. CPVO 6.2019 15/12/2019


Flowers cerise (H6): II-IV; foliage dark green; habit compact; height 15-20cm; spread 30cm after 3 years.

Seedling from crosses 2006, selected by Kurt Kramer

Recorded and bred by Kurt Kramer, Edammer Straße 26, D-26188, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany. 05.01.2015. CPVO 2.2015 15/04/2015

Kurt Kramer, EU PBR given on 19.09.2016. CPVO 6.2016 15/12/2016

‘Red Harmony’

Big flowers cerise (H6): II-IV; foliage dark green; habit compact; height 25cm; spread 40 cm after 3 years.

Seedling from crosses 2012 selected by Kurt Krame.  Tetraploid.

Applied for and bred by Kurt Kramer, Edammer Straße 26, D-26188, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany. 17.01.2018. CPVO 2.2018 15/04/2018

Kurt Kramer, EU PBR given on 07.10.2019. CPVO 6.2019 15/12/2019


♤ Bud bloomer, buds purple red; VIII-X; foliage orange green, in spring bright orange; height 25-30 cm, spread 30-35 cm

Sport on Alexandra, found by Kurt Kramer in 1995 approximately.

‘Weiße Maggy’ (‘Weisse Maggy’)

♤ Bud bloomer, nearly white big buds grade 6; VIII–XI; foliage green; habit bushy; height 25–30cm; spread 30–40cm.

Sport on Maggy, found by by Kurt Kramer (Edewecht, Germany) 

Applied for and bred by Kurt Kramer (K 12-73-7) Edammer Str. 26, 26188 Edewecht, Germany on 08.08.2016. CPVO 5.2016 15/10/2016

EU plant breeders rights given on 10.09.2018 (as a sport from Maggy (K 12-73-7) CPVO 6.2018 15/12/2018.