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FARNDALE IN THE NORTH YORK MOORS, photographed by Ian Snowdon on 19 August 2009. Commended: Landscape photographer of the year 2010. © reproduced by permission.
Farndale, renowned for its wild daffodils in the spring followed by a covering of heather in the summer, is surrounded by some of the most inhospitable moorland: this is where its beauty lies.
I was initially drawn by the lonesome rowan tree, but as I approached closer, the swathing mounds of heather were stunning. I knew a dream image was in the making. Over the next month I visited this remote spot on several occasions with the view of capturing this particular image, but the weather was always against me. The (almost) perfect day arrived still on the blustery side but every other element fell into place, beautifully.
Equipment used: Nikon D700 camera; Nikkor 14–24mm wide angle zoom lens @ 14mm; Manfrotto MF055 tripod.
- DAPHNE EVERETT & JOHN GRIFFITHS: David J. Small (1939–2010).
- R. CANOVAN & E. C. NELSON: Bibliography for David Small.
- ELLA MAY T. WULFF: Heather cultivars associated with David Small and Denbeigh Heather Nurseries 1972–1999.
- DAVID SMALL: Observations on rooting cuttings.
- B. DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD: Les bruyères à l’Arboretum des Grandes Bruyères.
- ARNOLD STOW: Heather companions: a gardener’s guide.
- COLIN ROGERS: Short back and side, sir?
- RICHARD CANOVAN: A new Erica manipuliflora seedling.
- E. C. NELSON: Erica manipuliflora ‘Bert Jones’.
- KARLA LORTZ: Growing South African heathers on Puget Sound, western USA.
- E. G. H. OLIVER: Hunting for Ericas in Madagascar.
- AARON SIPF: The trials and tribulations of growing heathers on a terrace in the Mediterranean.
- Supplement XI (2011) to International register of heather names. (Click here for PDF)