Main Contents
Seedlings from Calluna vulgaris ‘Velvet Fascination’ raised by Sten-Börje Sörensson, Hono, Sweden: photograph © Sten-Börje Sörensson. Unfortunately, none of these survived the winter of 2010-2011!
- DAVID WILSON : Arctic Outflow Wind: a cold killer.
- RAYMOND J. EVISON : Clematis and heathers.
- DAVID PLUMRIDGE : Clematis ‘The President’ at Rose Cottage.
- MICHAEL D. PIRIE : What can heathers tell us about the origins of biological diversity?
- JOHN HALL : The successful use of heathers in containers.
- JOHN GRIFFITHS : Blue heathers – myth or reality?
- WILL QUARMBY : BHGA Small Garden at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 2011.
- DAVID McCLINTOCK : Who was “Our Mr Richard Potter”? [modified reprint]
- JEAN PRESTON : This Was ‘Our Mr Richard Potter”. [modified reprint]
- E. CHARLES NELSON : Continuing the quest for Richard Potter (1844–1922).
- The Heather Society 100 One hundred recommended heathers 2012.
- W. DE BRUIN : In memoriam Jos Flecken.
- Supplement XII (2012) to International register of heather names. (Click here for PDF)